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Fear is often referred to as an acroynm – False Experience Appearing Real. If you are going to screw the fear you need to sort out what is real in your world.
Putting the Landing Gear on During Flight
If you've been around the business world for any length of time you've probably heard some variation of the phrase putting the landing gear on during flight or building the plane while it's in flight. Many years ago I was on a plane that had landed in the Bahamas. We...
Chuck Yeager – 20th Century Bad Ass
Few people have taken a screw the fear attitude further than Chuck Yeager. Most people know him for breaking the sound barrier, but he had been facing down his fears in a big way well before this. He wasn't even supposed to be a pilot because he didn't have the...
Being First
Being first is challenging. Recently we went to see John Cleese at a showing of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Afterwards he talked about the making of the movie and his history in comedy. It turned out that he was the first person to say shit on a national...
The Wright Brothers
When I first went into the Air Force, I needed to to go for a physical at McGuire AFB because it was the nearest base to my school. I was sitting in the lounge waiting for my appointment when a nurse escorting in this rather elderly gentleman. She helped him sit down...
Screw Covid 19
Screwing the fear is a great philosophy. Unfortunately it only really applies to situations that you can control. We just need to learn the difference between what we can control and what we can't. Right now, most of us are dealing with the Covid 19 pandemic, which is...
Fear of Flying
Aerophobia, or the fear of flying, can drastically impact someone’s life. It can make it impossible for them to fly on an airplane. Many people do experience some sort of anxiety when flying. However, aerophobia brings about an intense panic and extreme fear that is...